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Trac20130 Ethernet PoE Outdoor Wirepas Gateway

Trac20130 Ethernet PoE Outdoor Wirepas Gateway  is the rugged outdoor version of Trac20130 Ethernet PoE Outdoor Wirepas Gateway low-power and low-cost Wirepas Mesh gateway, with Ethernet PoE connectivity, compatible with Wirepas Mesh 2.4GHz networks (sink node). Trac20127 WiFi Wirepas Gateway is based on ESP32 S3 embedded SoC, integrated with peripheral for Ethernet connectivity 802.3af support. Wirepas sink is based on nRF52832 SoC. Trac20130 Ethernet PoE Outdoor Wirepas Gateway  is provided in a compact robust UV-protected PS enclosure with IP65 rating. Power-supply is provided through the RJ45 PoE connector.

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Key features


Supported Wirepas stack 5.x (up to 5.3)
Operating modes Wirepas Sink device
Network interface Ethernet PoE 802.3af
Compatible with Wirepas Network Tool (WNT) backend or with custom back-end, cloud or on-premises
Fully compliant with Wirepas remote MQTT APIs
Web UI manager dashboard and HTTP APIs for configuration and management
Outdoor rugged low-power Wirepas gateway with Ethernet (PoE) connectivity with full support of Wirepas gateway drivers for MQTT connection


Platform Espressif Systems ESP32S3WROOM1-1
Processor ESP32-S3 series, Xtensa® dual-core 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240MHz
Memory 384 KB ROM, 512 KB SRAM, Up to 8 MB PSRAM
Connectivity PoE (802.3af), Wirepas Mesh 2.4GHz (v5.x)
User interfaces Power-on LED, Wirepas LED, WiFi RGB LED, factory-reset button

WiFi specifications


Core module Nordic Semiconductor nRF52832 SoC, 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4
Protocol Wirepas Mesh 2.4GHz, v5.x (up to 5.3)
Frequency band 2.412 to 2.484 GHz
Channel spacing 20 MHz
Sensitivity -98 dBm
TX Power  4dBm (max)
Antenna type  Planar Inverted F-antenna
Antenna gain 0dBi
bit ARM Cortex -M4

Ethernet specifications


Protocol IEEE 802.3af
Connector 802.3af