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Trac10301 Tamper Resistant Asset BLE Beacon

Trac10301 Tamper Resistant asset BLE Beacon with an antitamper button is a Bluetooth location Tag dedicated to asset positioning. If the tag is forcibly removed, it will broadcast a specific signal to the sever and administrator that the asset tag has been removed to ensure the asset’s safety. The broadcast distance can reach up to 492 ft (150 m) on the default setting, which can track the assets of warehouse to ensure asset security and fast searching. Likewise, the device can be deployed on some sickbed or equipment in hospital due to its portable design for better medical resources application and management.

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Availability:In Stock
SKU:Trac10301Categories: , ,
Material ABS
Color White
Dimensions*W*H) 42.5*23.5*5.3 mm
Weight 6.4g Battery Included
Protection IP65
Battery CR Button Series 220 mAh
Battery Lifetime 2 years Default Setting: 0 dBm, 5000 ms
Chip Model nRF52 Series
Configuration App mobile app
Sensors Not applicable
OTA Not applicable
NFC Not applicable
LED Yes Blue/Red Light
Operating Temperature -20℃ ~ 60℃




Broadcast Frame status Item Default Settings
iBeacon(on) UUID(16bytes) E2C56DB5-DFFB-48D2-B060- D0F5A71096E0
Major(2bytes) 0
Minor(2bytes) 0
Measured power -59dBm(0xC5)
Tx power 0dBm
Interval(ms) 5000ms
Normal Broadcast Transmit Power 0 dBm
Broadcast Interval 5000 ms
Tamper Status 0 dBm
Interval(ms) 2000ms
Tamper Alarm Broadcast Transmit Power 0 dBm
Broadcast Interval 1000 ms
Tamper Status 01 Disassemble
Broadcast Duration 3000ms