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Trac10254 Tilt Angle LoRaWAN Sensor

Trac10254 Tilt Angle LoRaWAN Sensor  has a built-in tilt angle detection sensor. When the device is tilted (compared with the reference angle), the tilt angle will be reported, and the detected data will be transmitted to other devices through the wireless network for display.Trac10254 Tilt Angle LoRaWAN Sensor is compatible with the LoRaWAN protocol. It integrates a chip module that conforms to the LoRaWAN wireless protocol and joins the gateway to display the collected data. Users can monitor all changes in the network by accessing the gateway through the cloud. It easily realizes remote control of the Internet of Things and achieves energy saving, emission reduction, and environmental protection.

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Power Supply 2 ER14505 lithium batteries (3.6 V, 2400mAh / section) in parallel


Battery Life

Battery life: 4 years

(condition: Ambient temperature 25 ℃, report once every 60mins, txpower = 20dBm, LoRa spreading factor SF = 10)

Standby Current ≤ 80uA
Wakeup Current 6.3mA @ 3.3V
Battery Low Voltage Threshold 3.2V
RF Receiving Current 11 mA @ 3.3V
RF Emission Current 120 mA @ 3 .3 V
Battery Measurement Accuracy ± 0.1V

* Specific electrical characteristics may vary depending on the power supply voltage.

Tilt Sensor 

Tilt Angle Measurement Range ±90°
Tilt Angle Resolution 0.1°
Angle Accuracy ±3° @ horizontal position
Preset Sampling Rate Stationary State: 8Hz

Angle Changing: 12.5Hz


Frequency Range 863MHz-928MHz 470MHz-510MHz




TX Power

US915      20dbm

AS923      16dbm

AU915                 20dbm CN470                 19.15dbm EU868                 16dbm

KR920      14dbm

IN865        20dbm


Receiving Sensitivity

-136 dBm (LoRa, Spreading Factor = 12, Bit Rate = 293bps)

-121 dBm (FSK, Frequency deviation = 5kHz, Bit Rate = 1.2kbps)

Antenna Type Built-in antenna
Communication Distance 10 km (the actual transmission distance depends on the environment. )

Data Transfer Rate

0.3kbps ~ 50kbps (LoRa)

1.2kbps ~ 300kbps (FSK)

Modulation Method LoRa / FSK (Note: choose one of them)


Supportable LoRaWAN Band



(Note: optional, to be done in the factory configuration)


Dimension L: 112 mm *W: 65 mm *H: 28.7 mm
Host body Weight About 140 g
Environment Temperature Range -20℃ ~ 55℃
Environment Humidity Range <90% RH (No condensation)
Storage Temperature Range -40℃ ~ 85℃

Main Characteristic

  • Apply SX1276 wireless communication module
  • 2 ER14505 battery AA size (3.6V / section) in parallel power supply
  • Built-in tilt sensor
  • The base is attached with a magnet that can be attached to a ferromagnetic material object
  • Protection level IP65/IP67 (optional)
  • Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
  • Improved power management for longer battery life
  • Configuring parameters and reading data via third-party software platforms, and set alarms via SMS text and email (optional)

Applicable to third-party platforms: Actility/ThingPark, TTN, MyDevices/Cayenne